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Buffet BC1131G-5-0 Bb R13 Greenline Nickel Plated


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Serial #: 767220
Manufacturer Part #:BC1131G-5-0
Regular Price: $7,198.00
On Sale For: $4,216.00

Using the expertise gathered since 1825, Buffet Crampon has been an innovator in the world of music. Aware of the importance of conserving the world supply of precious wood, such as ebony, Buffet Crampon created in 1994 a modern and innovative material called Green Line. Green Line is the result of blending 95% of ebony powder with carbon fiber in a process patented by Buffet Crampon. It has the same acoustic qualities as ebony and is suited to the high demands of today's musicians because of its stability in all playing environments. The addition of carbon fibers means that Green Line clarinets are not susceptible to variations in atmospheric conditions (changes in temperature and humidity), the risk of cracking is therefore eliminated. All the features of Buffet Crampon Prestige clarinets are to be found in the Green Line range. Many soloists, symphonic or military band musicians around the world have chosen to play Green Line instruments.

Model: BC1131G-5-0
Manufacturer: Buffet

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